Zulima Sánchez is an associate Professor in the Department of Administrative Law at the University of Salamanca. She received her PhD in Administrative Law by the same university. She works in Salamanca University since 2002. She worked as a Substitute Judge for 11 years.  Doctor Sánchez has been a visiting scholar among others at the University of Columbia, University of Malta, Newberry Library in Chicago, and Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public law in Heidelberg, Germany. Her thesis dealt with citizen participation in local government. Her current research focusses the impact of human rights in Administrative Law in Latin America. Refugee, asylum procedures and International protection. Better regulation and next generations, administrative prospective.   She is Principal Researcher of the proyect profuture in wich more than 20 researchers from more than 10 countries work on foresight, regulations public administrations and future generations. She has published 5 books, and more than 60 articles and book chapters. On asylum: El derecho de asilo en Europa. En aras de un complejo equilibrio, Ratio Legis, 2017. The right to asylum, in Europe. Innovation of asylum procedures, Thomson Reuters. Aranzadi, 2018; “El fenómeno migratorio. Una historia interminable de retos para las administraciones públicas de todo lugar y tiempo. Del Reformismo social de Chicago a la Agenda Europea de Migración. ¿Hemos avanzado?”, en la Revista del Ministerio de Trabajo, Migraciones y Seguridad Social número 143, 2020. “Un sistema europeo común de asilo: ¿Desdibujando la competencia de los Estados?, Revista de Estudios de Derecho Europeo, Aranzadi, 2017.